我们的毕业要求超过加州大学的要求. Most students take 四年 of a rigorous academic 程序 that extends beyond these requirements and is tailored to their interests and passions. 探索 课程目录 For和our 赌场捕鱼网投 了解赌场捕鱼网投大学的全部范围和课程.
通过仔细阅读来自世界各地的小说和短篇故事, 《赌场捕鱼网投》探讨了以下关键问题:文字和故事的力量是什么? 人类是如何相互联系的? 我如何根据我的价值观过有意义的生活? 的 curriculum emphasizes argumentation and close textual analysis to train students to read actively and to think critically. Students will hone their writing skills through analytical writing and the development of a unique voice through personal narrative.
赌场捕鱼网投的引人入胜和多样化的历史课程从九年级的世界历史开始, followed by US History in 10th grade and intensive seminars on discrete topics in the fields of history and the social 科学 in 11th 和12th grades.
美国有很多名字:机遇之地, 勇者之家, “新世界”,等等. 但是这些名字背后的故事是什么呢? 是什么事件、人物和思想把这个国家塑造成今天的样子? 在10年级的美国历史课程中,学生们将完善他们的历史分析技能来回答这些问题. Students explore the tension between liberty and security; consider whether a powerful nation should intervene in a foreign country’s affairs; and evaluate how to best enact lasting social change. 通过辩论美国的政策, 评估第一手资料, 写一篇议论文, 通过合作 体验式学习项目, students learn to think critically about the themes dominating US history from the post-Reconstruction Era to the present day.
赌场捕鱼网投’s outstanding math 程序 places students according to their level and readiness when they enter the school. 学生们继续从九年级开始学习数学, 遵循最能支持他们的数学基础和理解的课程的进展. Our 程序 builds on the foundations of geometry and algebra and offers advanced level topics through multivariable calculus. 另外, 我们在统计和金融数学等主题上提供相关和经验丰富的高级数学课程.
荣誉和高级课程从代数II开始,并通过多变量微积分扩展. 课程侧重于批判性思维, 解决问题, 逻辑和数学的思维习惯,确保学生成功地通过课程的进步. 的re are opportunities at various points in the course progression for students to take more than one math class at a time and further their understanding and exposure to mathematical concepts.
我们从高中物理开始了实验室和基于项目的科学研究. 所有学生在九年级的时候都要修物理导论, 十年级化学入门课, 和11年级的入门生物学. Advanced classes in these three disciplines are offered–typically in 11th 和12th grade–after students have had a chance to complete prerequisite coursework. 11年级和12年级的其他科学课程包括:解剖学和生理学, 天文学, 环境科学, 及应用科学.
赌场捕鱼网投’s science faculty are familiar with the rigors of college science courses and 赌场捕鱼网投 alumni find that they are well prepared for the demands of college labs. 许多校友从事科学、工程、卫生保健和相关领域的职业.
International exchanges through Round Square and March term travel allow students to use their target language and directly 经验 the culture of the community.
Data structures describe the different formats 程序mers and computer scientists use to store information on a computer. 到目前为止,学生可能只学过一种数据结构:数组. 为什么我们不能使用数组来存储我们所有的数据? 学生将在探索其他数据类型(包括堆栈)的同时回答这个问题, 队列, 链表, 图, 树, 堆, 哈希表.
赌场捕鱼网投艺术系提供了一个你可以学习声音语言的地方, 运动, 形状, 和形式来表达自己的创造性和情感. In every class you will learn to communicate in your medium while also exploring and developing your own unique voice. 艺术是一个你可以安全地创造新想法并将其付诸实践的地方, 对你周围的世界做出反应,创造意义. 赌场捕鱼网投的艺术学院支持未来的医生, 工程师, 艺术家在创造性思维方面有很强的背景, 实验, 和批判.
我们提供一系列视觉和表演艺术课程. 表演艺术学科包括乐队、合唱团、舞蹈、戏剧、电影和戏剧技术. 视觉艺术学科包括:陶瓷, 数字艺术, 画, 电影, 绘画, 摄影与雕塑. 我们既有广度又有深度,在每个领域都有众多的艺术学科和高级课程. You will be introduced to all that a medium has to offer in the introductory class before moving on to in-depth personal work in the advanced courses. 要毕业,学生必须学习两年的艺术课程,包括一年的加州大学批准的艺术课程. 学生还可以根据自己的兴趣选修额外的艺术课, 时间表和课程供应情况.
十年级的时候, 赌场捕鱼网投的学生在承担更多责任的同时,继续完成小组项目. Sophomores organize and lead off-campus service projects during the weekly community service period and participate in two weekend projects. 在春天, students prepare for their junior year intensive individual service projects through a series of interactive workshops.
所有高年级学生都可以选择一门沉浸式的短学期课程, 深入到一个学科领域,否则他们不会在高中探索. 而一半的三年级学生都在死亡谷, 学校的其他学生都是体验式的, 动手学习的机会只能存在于标准块时间表之外. 3项 courses are elective credits with different course offerings every year based on faculty and student interests. 点击这里了解更多关于 3项 程序.
运动和身体健康不仅对健康很重要,而且对学习也很重要. 而不是传统的体育课, 在不同的运动和活动中轮转, 学生可以选修赌场捕鱼网投的任何一门课程 重点体育课程, 包括徒步旅行, 瑜伽, 极限飞盘, 力量调节. C班级一周上两次课, 学生可以通过参加团队运动来满足他们的体育要求. Students who participate in athletics or physical fitness outside of 赌场捕鱼网投 can also qualify for Independent PE credit.
许多赌场捕鱼网投学生在圆广场学校参加7-10周的赌场捕鱼网投. 大多数学生在十年级的最后一个季度或夏天进行交换. Students can also attend international conferences and service projects or host incoming exchange students to 赌场捕鱼网投 in their homes. 要了解更多关于全球教育项目的信息, 点击这里.
随着我们的教学方式继续受到数字技术使用的影响, Blend-Ed财团 seeks to combine demonstrated best practices for online learning with our schools' proven strengths in direct classroom instruction.
You will have the opportunity to work in 赌场捕鱼网投's 卡特创新工作室 in a variety of your classes in the fine arts, 科学, 偶尔还有人文学科. 另外, 创新工作室是机器人技术的大本营, 电动汽车项目, 3 d打印机, 计算机控制的路由器, 激光切割机, 还有一系列的工具, 电子产品, 及其他制作设备.
所有高年级学生都可以选择一门沉浸式的短学期课程, 深入到一个学科领域,否则他们不会在高中探索. 而一半的三年级学生都在死亡谷, 学校的其他学生都是体验式的, 动手学习的机会只能存在于标准块时间表之外. 3项 courses are elective credits with different course offerings every year based on faculty and student interests.
在瞬息万变的大学招生环境中, our office goals wholeheartedly reflect the 赌场捕鱼网投 mission of “preparing students for the rigorous expectations of college and for a life of purpose and personal fulfillment.”
我们提供 综合大学辅导项目 致力于培养学生的信心和技能,以满足他们未来的复杂性. 结合咨询项目和Maia Learning(我们的大学规划和学生参与软件), the 赌场捕鱼网投 college counseling team offers a curriculum for grades 9-12 that promotes self-exploration through assessments, 生涯探索, 目标设定, 建立投资组合.
Students can take up to seven classes which meet three times a week for 70 minutes in addition to electives and physical education, 哪一个一周见两次.
2到4每周的会议和协作时间, 学生可以接触到老师和他们的同伴,为即将到来的评估做准备,并在小组项目上工作. 咨询社区会议每周举行,以促进小组和全校社区. 每周一次的社区服务or Health period creates time during the 时间表 for students to focus on their own well being and the well being of others. 每天长时间的午餐给学生俱乐部提供了充足的时间开会和玩耍.
赌场捕鱼网投大学占地75英亩的校园是一个住宅社区, 最先进的学习设施, 还有那些从我们邻居那里游荡过来的小动物, Mt. 迪亚波罗州立公园. From a mile-long trail with beautiful scenic vistas to our 卡特创新工作室 loaded with all the equipment you might need to make just about anything, 赌场捕鱼网投大学的每个人在校园里都有自己最喜欢的地方.
赌场捕鱼网投大学四分之三的教师在各自的专业领域拥有高级学位. 但不仅仅是成为各自领域的专家, 赌场捕鱼网投以拥有热爱教学的教师而自豪. Our teachers love working with young people as they discover who they are and find great fulfillment in being a guide, 导师, 和顾问为学生在高中的整个发展.
赌场捕鱼网投大学的一些核心课程是针对年级的, 赌场捕鱼网投大学的许多课程旨在将不同年级的学生聚集在一起. 数学和语言课程是按年级而不是年级组织的,高年级的研讨会由大三和大四的学生参加. This allows for students to progress at the pace that is right for them while fostering a greater sense of community across grades.
赌场捕鱼网投的学生由教务长支持, 一位敬业的高中辅导员, a .学习服务主任, 和一份股权 & 每科指定一名教师.
艾玛R. '16
人们常说高中是发现自我的时期. 知道这一点很有启发性, what many people talk about as the difficult journey of finding yourself throughout the years of being a young adult is different for me because 赌场捕鱼网投 supports students to enjoy the journey. 赌场捕鱼网投 gives us these wonderful opportunities that allow us to enjoy the challenges we overcome while we discover who we are as people of this world.